Wednesday, December 26, 2007

We are fa-mi-ly

The holidays are here and that means meaningful reunions and visits from family. This year was particularly special because we had the chance to introduce little T to his uncles and aunts. In early December, C's brother and sister-in-law flew in from NYC to hang out with us for the weekend. After not having seen them for two years, it was incredible to see them again and T loved having them around. Another set of people to give him endless hugs and kisses. We welcomed the extra hands and immediately put them to work -- C's brother did a few diaper changes while SA (C's sister in law) helped out with feeding and burping.

Additionally, early this week, my little brother, M and sister, S, celebrated Christmas with us. In our state of transience, I realized that the last time I had seen my little brother was when I graduated from b-school in 6/2005 -- that's over 2.5 years! Needless to say, it was soo nice to have him over and to introduce him to our little dumpling. And as for my little sister, S -- lucky for us, S moved to San Francisco from DC about a month after we arrived and she's been a huge physical, mental and emotional help to have around. There's a mutual adoration between S and little Tristin and its wonderful to see how much they love each other.

Over the last few days, I don't know if this is T's x-mas gift to mommy and daddy but our little pumpkin has been smiling a lot more. Give him a good nap and some milk and he can't stop smiling. It's unclear what the source of these smiles are as they don't seem to come from the vast silly hand and facial gestures C and I make to induce smiles (hopefully, you'll never witness our attempts as we look like sheer idiots). If anything, his smiles seem to come on his terms -- whenever he feels like it and from whatever he sees is funny. Sometimes, he'll be sitting by himself and out of nowhere, he'll start giggling. His round eyes will turn into thin long black slits, his cheeks will perk up and his mouth widens into an adorably, heart-melting smile. Once in a very rare while, there will be a linkage between our funky gestures and his smile but I think the connection is coincidental or T throwing us an occasional bone so we won't stop trying. Whatever it is, we'll take it.

Enjoy the photos!

Ha ha ha ha ha

Daddy, teddy and me

Daddy and me time

Hanging out with Uncle M

Having fun with Auntie S

Like my wrist rattles?

Mommy and me -- why is she hugging me so hard?

Auntie SA, Uncle SC and me

Uncle SC and T

Putting Uncle SC to work

Daddy, so do you think batman and spiderman are really friends?

Looking up after a moment with daddy

I want milkkkkkk!!

Can I have your breast, daddy?

Smiling T -- big fat cheeks, thin black slits, big smile

Smiling Buddha

Half smile

Bathtime again

This is your gift, Teddy

Why does mommy keep putting me with these stuffed animals?

Yawn, again

1 comment:

Tara said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I've added your feed (as soon as I can get back in to my blog I'll add you to my list). I look forward to more posts and of course pictures! Tristin is adorable, those cheeks are to die for!