Sunday, February 21, 2010

We're back!

We (or actually, I) have been a real delinquent about keeping up with our blog posts. We took a long pause not only because we actually lost access to our blogsite (you can imagine the momentary panic when I thought we lost all our photos/content!) but with full-time work back in gear, parents and parents-in-law in town and C and I trying to balance being a parent of two, blogging fell to the wayside.

But we're back! Alleluia!

A few things:

  • Bella is already on 5 months going on 6 months. At her four month appointment, she was already at a 75th percentile weight and 50th percentile height. Shortly after she turned 4 months, she FINALLY started sleeping through the night (albeit with a few weeks of sleep training). A week ago, she started flipping over which has been a very fun thing for us to experience again.

  • Tristin is as loveable as ever. Still not talking in full sentences but very much, getting there. Is starting to understand lots which is great and really becoming a little person. While he looks more like Chris, he acts more like me -- has a passionate, expressive, clown-like personality. Incredibly expressive with his varying facial expressions. Loves his guitar, drums, dancing but also loves to throw balls and play "soccer" and "hockey" (which is really just throwing or hitting balls with a stick. With him, there is always something about fishes. He loves drawing them and pointing them out when he is reading, riding in the car, etc. He even loves eating them at times.

A special, heartfelt thank you to Chris' parents who came and took care of the kiddies for a month (we are so grateful). T and Bella both LOVED having them here, in particular T who got very close to grandma and grandpa and still calls for them whenever he's hungry, playing or getting ready for bed.

Enjoy the recent pics and some older pics to come!

During the Lands' end hike

Hi, my name is Bella

I love grandpa

Yum PB&J!

Here we are again...

Eating at the table is so fun!

Grandma, and dad usually likes to take photos at this point..

Feeling artsy


Where are we going?

Mommy and Bella shopping

Driving with grandma

on the hike

Family pic

Bella during tummy time

I LOVE my wiggles car!!

I am the master of tummy time!

At the Academy of Sciences

Tristin LOVES fishes