Friday, August 27, 2010

Wiggle time!

About a month ago, the Wiggles came to the Bay area and we spent our Saturday afternoon tooting their songs, dancing with the awesome foursome (but Greg was missing!), Dorothy the Dinosaur, Henry the Octopus and Wags the Dog. It was so much fun and surprisingly, entertaining for C and I. I have to say...I was awestruck and was quite excited to see the boys. Tristin was very excited and Bella was just happy to be out listening and dancing to music! Afterwards, we went for a yummi Thai dinner and surprisingly both kids survived and even thrived the whole event including letting mom and dad have a nice dinner (with a glass of wine and beer!)

We had so much fun that I think next year, when they are back in town (I hope?) and assuming, Tristin still loves them and Bella kindles her love as every infant does w/the Wiggles, we will make our pilgramage down south once again!

Toot toot!!

Bella more interested in the audience than the concert

Tristin feeling shy in the beginning


Mommy, I love the Wiggles!

Daddy, this is fun

Think mommy is having the most fun!

Wiggle time!

Wait, who are they again mommy and why am I here?

I love them!

We love the Wiggles!

The Choi girlz

Sam is pretty cute...but not as cute as daddy


Tristie, if you are a good boy, we will take you again next year!!