Friday, February 6, 2009


T has been busy lately. With countless birthday parties to attend, sites to see (in particular, the SF Zoo which he visited with Auntie Monica and Melanie) and people to meet, T has been on a party/social roll. Weekend after weekend, he's been hitting parks, hanging out at Gymboree and high-flying with fellow toddlers, babbling in baby talk and proudly strutting in his drunken sailor swagger. Five things he loves to do these days --

* Loves to babble. He's quite Mr. Social. Can't stop talking when he walks and will talk to anything that is in his way -- the plants on the street, the doggies walking by him, the pavement, Carbon Dioxide/oxygen molecules...whatever object/microcosm/thing that will silently listen is game for Tristin's chatter.

* Loves (and I mean LOOOOOVES) the Wiggles. I've never seen him so well behaved and sooo excited when the Wiggles comes on. Nothing else matters when the foursome are dancing/singing. It's like the world ceases to exist and wiggledom takes over. All thanks to T, we have countless number of Wiggles tunes memorized (Monica, Auntie S, mommy and daddy).

* Loves (and I mean, LOOOVES) fruits. Any and all kinds of fruit. Berries, blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Oranges, Tangerines, Watermelon, Banana, you name it, he loves it. Monica always says that he could live in the jungle and survive -- perfect for the monkey boy that he is.

* Loves talking on the phone. But to note, phone can equal whatever. At some points, phone = his piece of chicken, socks, daddy's wallet, banana, etc. And when I say "talk", I mean, partake in a passionate discourse as though he's in the midst of some important business transaction. One hand will be fiddling with the toy table he has (moving knobs, pressing buttons) while the other will be tensely grapping the object to his ear while he yells "kochokakamommooo!!"

* Loves his golf clubs (made out of cloth). C thinks its because he has a genuine interest in golf. I, on the other hand, think its because he just likes to carry things in his arms that are thin and long.

Can I get off this lion?

Monica is the best

Mr. Giraffe

I have the lion all under control

Monkey monkey

Flamingo -- how pretty

Tia Monica, why do they have such skinny legs??

With my best friend Adrian

Let's get outta here, Tristin

T and Auntie K

Mommy, T and Auntie K (she visited from Minneapolis!!)

Happy birthday Roshan!!

Tristin loves going up to random women (T wearing a costume cowboy vest)

Hip hip Hooray

Daddy, don't drop me

What other toy can I ride in Gymboree?

Bubbles, Bubblllles!!

T watching the bubbles

Yummy bubbles

What's going on?

Wow, these goldfish are sooour!!

Daddy, can we go play ball again?

Can you please stop talking to my daddy so we can go play ball?

Can I climb this pole?

Mommy, I think you should buy these breadsticks

Ok fine. If you don't want these, I'll get some others for you.

Hmmm, what about those other sticks over there?

I love being carried

(Not sure why this picture didn't flip in the right way)

Just want to make sure this store is following proper fire procedures, mommy

Daddy, what size were you again?

Making bubbles with Dylan

Dylan, let me show you how its done...

Wait, I'm not done yet. Don't take it away from me...

Playing in the sandbox

What do you mean there's another sandbox over there?

Happy birthday Dylan!!

I can't believe Dylan is already two!

I'm only 16 months!

Walking home from the party

That was fun, mommy

Trying to keep balance

Almost home!