Saturday, January 17, 2009

Muir, muir on the wall...

This weekend, C, T and I decided to take advantage of the long weekend to take a trek out of the city. Our original destination Stinson Beach but with a wrong left turn, we found ourself at Muir Beach, instead and fell in love with the quaint little beach we stumbled upon and the little 20-minute hike up the mountain we did. We didn't expect to be able to squeeze a hike in so late in the afternoon but the grand views and the easy trek upwards made it tempting and rewarding.

The views were stunning, to say the least. Reminded C and myself of the hike we did in Kauai a few years ago. For T, the view was a non-event. All he cared about was consuming as many cheerios as his mouth could fit, steering clear from all the dogs that crossed our path (although I believe his fear his subsiding) and basking in the shoulders of daddy as he climbed up and down. Oh, and of course, flirting with all the pretty girls that passed him by -- blowing kisses and flashing toothy smiles.

By the time we were done, T was exhausted but happy. He sang in the back seat making hand motions, smiling and ready to call it a day. North Bay, we shall see you soon again (hopefully, we'll make it out to Stinson Beach!)

On our way crossing the GG Bridge

Crossing the little wooden bridge

Daddy and me

Hanging out in the sand

On the beach

T shoving down cheerios

On daddy's shoulders

Heading up

Daddy hard at work

Family pic (although mommy's eyes are close)

T is getting kinda heavy

I wonder if mommy still has some cheerios left over

Mommy, can I get some cheerios?

Wow, we've climbed quite a bit!

Stopping for a break

Daddy loves carrying me

Daddy's finally happy we made it

Daddy, you're the best. After the Wiggles though... (I LOVE the Wiggles!!)

Daddy and me posing in front of Muir Beach

Cuddling together

Tristie, do you like the view?

Daddy is so happy to spend time with T

Mommy, do you have any more cheerios?

You're #1, mommy

Is that a doggie? (yikes)

What do you mean the cheerios are over there? that's the ocean, mommy!

Oooomf, daddy and mommy are still holding back those cheerios!!!

Walking with mom's help on the hill (mommy doesn't want me to trek alone)

Can I have a cheerio?

Walking back down

You're right daddy, the ocean is goyjus!

The trek downward

Going over the GG bridge back to the city

T singing on the ride back

Walk on

After 7 months of immobility, 4+ months of intensive crawling , 5 months of cruising and handhold-walking, T is officially an independent "i can go where i want" man! Hooray! So many moms and dads have warned me that walking is a whole new chapter and that I should enjoy the crawling/dependent phase because this new chapter can be tiring... but I have to say, C and I are sooo psyched T has finally crossed over with his own two feet!

It's been a slow path as T is a cautious little one. If he doesn't feel secure or comfortable, he won't take the leap. It took one month of holding hands while walking for him to finally muster up the courage to let go and stumble down the aisle. C and I call T our drunken little sailor because stumble, he does and drunken, he seems with his wobbly little legs. These days, he's walks everywhere -- in and out of rooms, back and forth down the hallway and up and down the living room. Baby no more, toddler he is!

Walk on, honey bunches of oats!

T reading a Korean book -- sa rang hae!

This book is sooooo funny!!

...Enuff with the books, now I need to run some numbers..

All done with my calculations..

All bundled up

Where we going mommy?

Strolling along down Haight St. is so much fun!

Walking in front of a store in the Haight

What are they selling there, daddy?

Hookah, anyone?

Posing on Page. St

One of T's favorite positions -- upside down

Why does everyone look so much better from here, daddy?

Can we do it again?

Pushing my stroller

Mall walking

T's favorite new store (he claims that its because of the pink polka dotted dog!)

Mommy, this pieces are soo interesting.

Wait, I want to look at more...

Walking outside is soo much fun!

Pushing my stroller again (mommy and daddy aren't very good at it)

Out and about

Hi mommy, i love you

...but can you walk a bit faster..?

T scared of this doggie (to note, we've learned that he closes his eyes when he's scared)

Daddy, I would like to get down..

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