Saturday, May 1, 2010

Isabella recently...

Almost 8 months and starting to crawl...or rather, move like a worm. Loves bath-time, starting to relish solids (after a slow start) and likes to babble. C and I look at her often and think she looks like T when he was a baby. Like T, Bella loves to jump, drink milk (she's a baby michelin) and look at herself in the mirror. C and I often feel guilty because Bella doesn't get the same level of attention T did when he was a baby but we find comfort in the fact that the moment she starts to get louder than T (soon I am sure), she will be at the center of our mindshare. T loves her dearly and constants tells us "she is sooo cute"....but at the same time, gets very jealous and when in a bad mood, does not want anyone, in particular his mommy, holding his little sister.

Some pics of our little cutie...

Up close and personal..

With our nanny

the happy kids

The family minus mom

Sitting up

This is fun, mom!

Whats over there...