Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

This one is a short entry just to wish everyone a very merry christmas from Tristin & family! It's been an amazing year -- with the move to the Bay area, the birth of Tristin, new jobs/roles for C and I and a whole new life making new friends, reacquainting ourselves with old buddies and re-uniting with family. Needless to say, C and I feel very blessed.

Tonight, my little brother will be coming into town (my little sister is staying with us) and C will be cooking up a Christmas prime rib dinner (yum, yum). We're all saving our appetites for tonight, including T who will likely be hanging out on the swing and dining on his milk (promise to give him an extra ounce of milk since it is, after all, x-mas!)

Hope you are all having a good, safe, festive one!! Merry, merry, merry christmas!!!

Good, I'm glad we're done here...

Getting ready for Santa...

Next to the tree...

I get a little help from my friends...


Joyful Learner said...

Gosh, you put up the cutest pictures of baby T! Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas too and let's definitely get together soon! How about 27th?

March said...
