Sunday, December 16, 2007

Time "2" party (happy 2 months)!

Last week (Dec 12th), our little pumpkin turned 2 months. C and I can't believe how quickly time is passing. To redeem my poor effort last month, I decided to bake some cupcakes for baby T's birthday bash. As a novice baker, I turned to my good friend, C, a very talented baker, for a trusted yummi cupcake recipe and used that to bake my first batch of cupcakes. As my hubby C prefers a healthier version, I substituted a lot of the fattening ingredients for healthier versions and thankfully, the cupcakes turned out moist and delish. I can't imagine what the original version would taste like (heavenly, I would assume). However, while they tasted delish, they look more like halloween cupcakes (ghoulish and spooky) rather than pretty birthday cupcakes. Oh well, at least I get an A for effort..!

During the same week, we went for his 2nd month doctor's appointment and found out that baby T is now 12 pounds 10 ounces and 23 inches. Meaning , T went from being in the 5th percentile in weight at birth to 75th percentile at his two month appointment. For height, he went from 5th percentile to 50th percentile. The days of little T being a scrawny, under-weight infant are long gone. All I can say to those scrawny days -- "See ya. Wouldn't want to be ya!" Alleluia!

As for me, I've started to wean off the breastfeeding/pumping in my attempts to prepare to go back to work. While it may not be much for many supermoms out there who breastfeed for 6+months, I'm grateful that I lasted two months (can I hear a "whoop whoop"?) Yep, 8 weeks is 6 weeks more than I thought I would survive and although I could probably go for another two months, I am soon heading back to work and can't imagine lugging my pump and my laptop back and forth during my 1.5 hour commute on the muni and caltrain. So, I've fully switched T to formula and now am trying to adjust my boobs back to normalcy (which, to my surprise once again, isn't such an easy thing - who knew this would be painful, too!!)

What else this week (from Baby T's perspective) -

  • I'm still drinking 5 ounces/feeding (I went through a growth spurt at 7 weeks where I was consuming non-stop but lucky for mom, I've stabilized my intake at 5 ounces/feeding)
  • At night, my longest stretch of sleep is about 6 hours (mommy was very happy that night!) but normally it is 4-5 hours (Update -- He slept for 7 hours last night!!)
  • I no longer cry when mommy or daddy changes my diaper. Now, who's the big boy, huh?! (but I do cry when mommy or daddy changes my clothes....can't make it too easy for them, now can I?)
  • I am smiling a lot more, especially after my milk feedings. It's my way of thanking mommy and daddy for the milk =) (and my way of giving them "incentives" to feed me!)
  • Mommy is trying to sleeptrain me through my naps and sometimes will put me down when I'm fully awake. Sometimes, I'll throw her a bone and quietly go to sleep and other times, I'll cry my eyes out so she'll have to pick me up and play with me. And she thinks she's the boss.
  • My favorite place to be is (not in mommy's arms but..) on my swing. Yes, I love my swing. If I could marry my swing, I would. When I am on my swing, I can sit there for hours and stare at the blank walls. Mommy is afraid I'm getting dumb because all I do on my swing is drool and blankly stare but I think she's wrong. I read somewhere that intense study of white walls helps build brain cells....
"Daddy adoringly staring at me: So, daddy, am I cute or am I cute?"

"Happy birthday to me!!"

Baby cupcakes

Hanging out in the living room

"Here Teddy. I'm tired of holding the sign so you hold it for me."

"Why is this sign in my way?"

Baby T's ghoulish cupcakes

Getting ready to blow out his candles

Baby T, mommy and daddy

Hanging out -- " glad today is over"


Caroline said...

The cupcakes look deelish! Hope you saved me one =)

Unknown said...

I want a cupcake ... yum! BTW Dad looks hot in the b-day hat.

Eugine Chung said...

Sarah - 75% and 50% percentile? That's AWESOME!!! Great work. :) Ed and I laughed out loud looking at Tristin's picture (the one he's sitting side by side with the teddy bear). He's adorable. Can't wait to see him again.