Thursday, December 6, 2007

Guilty Confessions

This past weekend, C and I had a few friends over for lunch. It was a long overdue reunion of old friends who wanted to not only see the new mommy (yours truly) but also play/hang out with T. It was during the visit and witnessing their reaction to seeing T in person that we realized we had to face up to the truth and make a confession.

It's time we come clean. Yes, for the past 8 weeks, C and I confess to distorting reality by carefully selecting only the cutest pictures of T and censoring the bad ones. If he flaunted any more than two chins, we looked away. If any photos showcased him crying with tiny black slits for eyes, we quietly banned. If his nostrils flared up into the size of mini cheerios, we disregarded. Like any proud parent, we wanted to show the world only the cutest pictures of T. T at his best, we thought. So, the only photos that made the cut were the ones where his eyes were wide open, his poses were cute and he didn't look like a seriously overweight chunky monkey.

Now looking back, C and I realize that in our innocent effort to make our little T look like a stud, we've misled our T-blog readers. As Auntie and Uncle EC mentioned -- you talk about fat and double/triple chins but you didn't post any photos of him with it. We had no idea he was this big until we saw him in person! Yes, C and I realized that at some point, we would have more friends and family over (like we did this past weekend) and what they would see during their visit may not necessarily be what they would have imagined from the posted photos. They would see that T did not always look the way he did in his pictures. They would see the folds and layers of fat that ornate his round body. They would witness what C and I call "Red Square" -- when his face contorts into a square shape and his coloring turns bright red. This often happens right before he begins to cry (usually, our indicator of a forthcoming wail). They would notice that at times, his eyes look like thin black slits. And other times, his eyes, when wide opened, look cross-eyed. They would note how sometimes his large nostrils engulf his whole nose to the point where all you see are two big vacuous holes.

So, there you have it. Our confession. What you see now should be what you get if you ever come by for a visit and meet T in person.

A big holler to Auntie/Uncle EC and Auntie J and Uncle L for keep'n it real (or rather, keeping us honest and making sure C and I keep it real!!)

See below for photos from this week -- uncensored (we swear) for your viewing pleasure!

PS -- we don't have a picture of "Red Square" but as soon as we take one, we'll be sure to post it to make sure you see what he looks like 75% of the time!

Hanging out with grandma

"Like my blue outfit?"

Uncle and Auntie E, Auntie J and Uncle L (and T)-- our whistleblowers who "called" C and I out

Auntie B (Mommy's colleague from work) and T

T with Auntie N (Mommy's colleague from work)

Passed out on grandma after a feeding

"It's been a tough day and I'm pooped"

Still pooped

Mommy and me

Tummy time

Tummy time again

"Here I am -- multiple chins, cross-eyed with big, fat cheeks and cheerio nostrils!"

On daddy's shoulder

"Mommy's milk has done me good!"

T's favorite place to hang

Getting dried after bathtime

"Check out my rock'n rolls"

"Mommy wasn't the only one pregnant!"


Eugine Chung said...

Haha.. had a good laugh reading this post. We love seeing the folds in Tristin's face - they are adorable! It also is a sign of your achievement Sarah. :)

Joyful Learner said...

LOL. I love this post because it reminds me of my own chubby wubby when K was T's age. My inlaws were worried she was too fat but I loved all her rolls and roundness. Keep up the good work mommy!

And he's adorable as ever!