Saturday, February 2, 2008

Tristin in action

As promised, here are a few short videos of Tristin in action. Just a short update -- just today, after not seeing T for the full day (C's mom and I went girlz' shopping), we came home to a talkative, blabbering T. I spent an entire day with him yesterday and he hardly said much and now, today, he's delivering a passionate, state of the union address to his fellow mommy, daddy, grandma and auntie S at the dinner table. It was quite impressive. Of course, no one had a clue what he was saying and it was far from anything remotely understandable but it was nonetheless cute and passionately stated. Bluh, bla, agh, uh, eh, goh. Need he say more?

PS - In these two videos, Tristin reacts to Elmo..

Tristin laughing with grandpa

Tristin with grandma (and Elmo)

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