Sunday, February 17, 2008

Adrian is back!

Yayyy! Adrian, T's best friend, is back! We've missed him soo much. If you've been reading the blog from the early days, A was one of T's first playmates and since birth, his closest friend. A and T were not only a week apart in birth, but A's mom and I also went through a similar birthing process. Both A's mom and I were told that our babies were too small, underwent weekly visits to the hospital to obtain non-stress testing and were then induced at 37 weeks. A actually turned out to be a good-sized infant (he was over 6 pounds) while T was teeny (5 pounds, 2 ounces). Lucky for A's mom and I, both boys were born healthy and normal.

Anyhoooo, A has been gone for the last two months to Korea to celebrate the holidays and he returned less than a week ago. Needless to say, absence makes the heart grow fonder and T, C and I were excited to see him again. I was especially happy to see J, A's mom, since she's been my mommy-in-crime when it comes to feeling our way through infant motherhood. Welcome back Adrian, J and D!!

So in celebration of A's return and because we wanted to see T's other good friend, Eva, C and I had Adrian and Eva's family over (notice how these days, it's all about inviting the baby and then, if we must, the peripheral beings, a.k.a mom and dad, that come attached to the baby). C bbq-ed while I prepared my favorite sides and we had a fun dinner talking about OBGYNs, Pediatricians and sleeping/feeding/diaper changes/infant development (are you yawning yet?). It's amazing how different the topic of our conversations are these days. Long gone are the days when we talk about exotic travel, fashionable bags/shoes or business/politics.....oh wait, we did talk about Google millionaires and infidelity so I guess that does count?

Adrian is my best friend! I missed you A!!

Huh? Whad'you say?

Holding hands

A, what's over there?

We are best buddies

A, look over there...

A, yo dawg, I love you and all but you can't have my teddy...

A and teddy

Mommy, A won't give me back my teddy

Eva, T and A (and of course, Teddy) -- Tristie, you're diaper is sticking out!

Eva stretching after her nap

Tummy time together

Mommy hogging the babies

Eva is my friend, too

Mommy, is it ok if I hold her hand?

Eva unsure if she wants T to hold her hand (Eva's daddy is around so she's understandably nervous about the "big" move)

Oh no!!! Oops, maybe I shouldn't have tried to hold her hand!! Oh oh...

Riding Elmo. I'm king of the world!

Welcome back, A! We missed you!
Video -- A short clip of the three little cuties


Tara said...

Aww 3 babies! Is Eva the same age, they are all so cute together. You crack me up, the comment about Eva being nervous about the "big move" had me spitting out my coffee.

Excelgeek said...

Yo, Eva gets the choice between boy 1 and boy 2. But ask Ceci, our Korean hairstylist, what she thinks of mixed marriages. Hehe....those darn CHINESE girls.

- Jason