Saturday, February 16, 2008

Getting outside

In the last 4 months I have to say, I've been very bad about taking T out for walks, drives, visits to the mall, etc. Unlike other infants who love their car seats and enjoy being out, T is actually the opposite. He's an angel at home - sleeps, eats and plays well. Out -- he's less than an angel. Unless the car is moving, he starts to cry and about less than an hour into our time out, he usually starts to fuss. I don't know if its the external stimulation or the movement but in the hours that he's out, he does not sleep a wink -- he'll keep his eyes wide open until he's so exhausted, he's uncontrollably unhappy. When he was younger, C and I would resort to a pacifier to last us through a fast lunch or a quick visit to the mall. These days, C and I have resorted to keeping him at home. Prioritizing T's naps, C and I would take turns watching him.

A few weeks ago, I made a belated new year's resolution to take T out more often -- for walks, visits to the park, car rides, etc. Mommy has to learn to shed her fears and insecurities of taking T out and T has to learn to behave better -- less crying and more sleeping. So, last weekend when the weather was sunny and beautiful, C and I decided to take T out for a walk to the park. It wasn't a long walk but it was a beautiful one. And it wasn't by myself (I cheated) but it was nevertheless -- out. T behaved pretty well and on a whole, it wasn't too bad. T hardly cried and mommy and daddy were so happy we finally got him out. I can't say it was easy but it went much better than I expected. And by the end, T was exhausted from the sun, the stimulation. Baby steps. A 20-minute walk outside today....a 2-hour visit to the mall myself? Hmmm. Perhaps wishful thinking..

Here are some shots of little T out and about.

Am I cute or am I cute?

King of the sea

Hanging out with daddy

Mommy, you're squeezing me too tight...

HA HA (drooling away..)

New kid on the "blocks" (these pics are of him indoors)

These things are in my way

Daddy and me outside

Cutest couple

T eating his hand (his favorite thing to do these days!)

The park outside our complex

The Choi family (mom's attempt at being artistic)

Mom at it again. No further comment.

This is soo yummy!

Mommy, you're annoying me...

Daddy: the wind beneath my wings

Standing with daddy

On the swing

Pooped out after our walk

Close shot

Ashwika's 1-year birthday party

Blowing out candles

1 comment:

Tara said...

I'm so jealous! It will be weeks before the snow recedes and we can go outside again! T looked like he had a great time judging by him snozzing away, lol.