Saturday, February 23, 2008

Seizing the moment

These days T is a professional model. The minute he sees the camera, he does a good job of staring at it and smiling (with a few Elmo balloon nudges). I guess that's what happens when you've had a camera in front of your face from day 1. This weekend, I tried to take some close-up shots of T. I know some of the shots may look repetitive but wanted to capture the little movements he made while lying on the couch and playing or falling on his cushion-blocks. These days, it feels like he's growing so fast and changing so much, as parents, C and I want to seize the moment and enjoy every nano-second of it -- hence my attempts to capture every movement.

T over the span of 5 minutes (and a few other photo sessions with Teddy and daddy's shoes).

Hanging out on the couch


Eating my blocks

Drooling and stretching

Tristie outfit and bib matches the living room pillows!


Hanging out

Giggle giggle

What's that over there?

Is that milk?

Daddy's favorite snack

Hanging out with teddy and pooh

But mommy, teddy tried to hit me first!

Making amends and posing with Teddy

Our little cookie monster

T so hungry he could eat a block!

Mommy, I think it fits!

I've got big shoes to fill

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