Sunday, November 9, 2008

Monkeying around

C and I have always thought our little T resembled a little monkey. So, in our efforts to truly bring that belief alive, guess what animal T was for halloween? :-) Don't think T appreciated the costume one bit as he was hot in it and had to wear a little head with ears which he, every 5 seconds, wanted to take off. And once the suit was off (which after about an hour, he would insist we get rid of), he had pellets of hair all over his body. So much so that sometimes, it looked like he had random pieces of hair growing out of him (including in his arm pits).

At this age, I honestly think Halloween is for the adults as all of the little babies seemed uncomfortable (at one point or another) and not entertained (nor did they get any of the benefits of chocolate and trick-or-treating). Case in point, little A (T's best friend) was a little spider which J made for halloween. For the one hour he had it on at Gymboree, A hardly moved. The moment J took his little back bag with legs off, he zoomed all over Gymboree.

Halloween was kept low key. Except for a baby halloween party we went to the week before and Gymboree class/playdate the day of, C and I opted to keep T indoors this year. Next year, we'll be sure to hit all the hot trick or treating spots in the city....

T and E with Daddy joe and C

monkey on a motorcycle

What do you get when a monkey meets a pumpkin? playtime!

another pumpkin!

Pumpkin Elliot

I love this motorcycle

Is that a banana?

Moving onto cars = monkey and pumpkin and car

Mommy says I monkey around

Monkey on daddy

Monkey playing with trucks

I love trucks

Monica and Monkey

Finn and Monkey (Finn was the same monkey)

Monkey playing basketball (with his socks showing)

Monkey at gymboree

Climbing monkey

Close up monkey

A as a spider

Tia Monica and Melanie

Playdate on halloween

T post monkey suit (we had to take it off because he was too hot)

A, why are you still in your halloween suit?

1 comment:

Eugine Chung said...

He's SOOOO cute! Ed and I laughed out loud looking at these pictures. How adorable!

When he can walk on his own, make sure you send him over for trick or treating at our place!