Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bye bye Redwood Shores!

Bye bye Redwood Shores. More details to come in the next entry but C, T and I have packed our bags and moved into the big city (hello urban living!!)

This entry is a bit dated as the photos are a few months old but wanted to upload them since it was one of the most fun days C, T and I had in the Peninsula. In the midst of packing, C wanted to take a break and decided to take T to the local park to hang out. It was so beautiful and T was having such a good time that C called me and asked me to come out and glad I was to have joined them. We played for an hour or so, letting T run (crawl, rather) wild on the grass in his yoga poses and fixing/moving his car and basked in the sun, the beautiful flowers and the presence of one another (I'm starting to sound cheezy, I know..)

One confession to make -- T, as you will see in the photos, sported a little black and blue eye. In the midst of our packing (and no thanks to our lack of babyproofing), little T tumbled down the stairs in his roundabout in the attempts to follow daddy around. It *literally* had only been a few seconds since C had left him alone but I guess it only takes a matter of a few seconds for speedy T to cruise down the hallway right off the staircase. Thankfully, except for a slight bruise on the inner part of his right eye and a few wails, T was fine and quickly back to his chipper happy self.

As you'll also see, T continues to enjoy doing yoga poses on the grass and hasn't quite fully accustomed himself to the prickly creatues that tickle his knees and toes.

Bye bye Redwood Shores. Thank you for an awesome year!!!

Yo baby, I'm off to the city. Wanna catch a ride?

T hanging out with Auntie Tracey and Uncle Tim (T loved Tim and wouldn't get off his lap)

Uncle Tim, can I sit on your lap for 5 years?

Mommy's friend, Auntie S came to visit me and gave me lots of kissies

Mommy, do you want to pack me in this suitcase too?

Maybe if I sit here quietly, she won't notice..

Mommy, you are cramping my style

Damn, these must be cheap shades. They keep falling down (or maybe its the flat nose)

Doggy yoga pose

That's right. Lift your left leg up and extend your left hand up in the air...

Mommy, and then what do I do with my left arm again? Do I put it behind my back?

Yoga is fun in the grass

Car isn't working well, mommy

...maybe its this handle...

..or maybe if I push it, it'll start...

...or maybe its the darn tire....

Oh wait, you want me to pose for a picture? Ok, here I am with one knee bent..

Ok, the other pic I had a double chin, so let's try putting my head a bit lower and tilting it slightly to the right..

....what about an action shot with me fixing the tire, mommy?..

Dang, I think this tire is really flat, mommy. Something isn't right..

Ok, let me try pushing it again...

I like purple flowers

Daddy and I enjoying the view

On top of mommy's shoulders (view from there isn't all that good)

What do you mean Santa isn't real?

Crawling around

Still crawling

See my black and blue? I'm TOUGH!!

You be careful. I give you black and blue too!

Yum. I'm done.

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