Sunday, October 25, 2009

"T" time

One of the best things about maternity leave has been spending time with Tristin. Funny how the leave should be all about Bella but the truth is, the focus is really on T. Every morning, the two of us have our time together -- be it participating in music/dance classes, going to the little gym and climbing ladders, exploring new parks, playing in at the Discovery Museum or the Academy of Sciences -- the world in the Bay area has become our little oyster to explore and indulge.

Additionally, where I can, I am back to reconnecting with some great moms who are either off or are taking are of their kiddies full-time, and as a result, Tristin has been busily forced to participate in endless playdates. In many ways, its a GREAT thing because at age 2 (and given that he doesn't attend daycare), he is not keen on sharing and playing with others and this is my opportunity to get him exposed to the newfound concept. It hasn't been easy -- at the first sight of a guitar or a moving car or a snack he wants (which tends to be any snack any other toddler is consuming), he needs to have it or he will kick and scream. So much so that sometimes I need to pack a huge variety of snacks (and keep my fingers crossed that the one kid that decides to eat in front of him isn't sporting a snack I don't have!) and an extra guitar.

Classes/things he's loved to do:

  • Dance/music class -- he loves loves loves. The teacher thinks he's musically inclined (or maybe she just said to me so I would sign up for the class) and while others are shy about moving, Tristin has no qualms getting into the center of circle and following the teacher in addition to adding a couple of his own moves and singing. It's quite funny and cute. Will have to see if the trend continues.
  • Discovery museum - If ever in SF with a toddler, this is the place to go. It's amazing. Every exhibit is full of activities to do and things to learn. I can't say enough good things about it and we've been there twice and have yet to discover all of it. I guess that's why its called the "discoverrrry" museum.
  • Little Gym -- Initially, thought this was going to be a bomb since Tristin refused to move from the one spot in the gym right next to the balance beam and kept telling me that the balance beam was his "piano, mommy!!". But then....he emerged from his cocoon of shyness and started exploring all the little activities and equipment and voila, he couldn't get enough. His favorite -- playing basketball with the little hoop (he loves playing with his ball) and jumping (he can't get enough of jumping). If you like Gymboree, you'll love Little Gym (its Gymboree but better!)
I have to say -- it's been a blast to hang with T. He makes the difficult, long nights (when I feel like a zombie feeding and calming Bella) so worthwhile and the mornings so much fun and entertaining. I feel blessed to have this time with him and don't want to even begin to imagine how I'll feel when I have to give them up to go back to work. Enough sad thoughts, now onto happy moments....

Scarf dance

Playing with the cash register

Can i pump you some gas?

I love this ball machine

Mommy, come deliver these plates to my kitchen!

Here's some pie

A little cute girl at Peekaboo giving Tristin a bunch of kitchen tools

Doing the scarf dance

Following the teacher

Playing the drums

With Grandma

Am done with these kids

Playing piano on the balance beam

My favorite thing to do - JUMP!

Climbing away

Throwing the basketball into the hoop

Which crab should I eat? (at the Discovery museum)

Driving my boat

Jamie looking at his crab

Jamie by the boat

Mom, come see this!

Playing trains

Jamie and the trains

Learning to play with others

Piling on some gravel while the girls chat

Maybe if I move these logs, I can have more space

Do you need more gravel?

Mommy, I'm helping Jamie deliver more gravel

Exploring the waves exhibit

Wow. Interesting!

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