Thursday, October 15, 2009

Life with two

Two words: "Not easy" :-)

C and I are barely managing these days. Even with the village of help we have - my mom full-time and my sister in the evenings (and the two of us), the two little kiddies can sometimes wear out 4 adults all in a matter of an hour.

I have to say -- life with #2 is easier in some ways (diaper changing, bathing, feeding, etc. are all easier) and sooooo much more challenging in so many other ways (the juggling, the balancing, etc.)

So many things fall to the wayside (notice how Isabella gets less air time on this blog than Tristin and there's far less birthday celebrations for her than what T received). Not to mention, my new discovery: momma S is ridden with endless amounts of guilt. Guilt because I don't feel like I'm being a good mommy to Bella (even with everyone warning me that this would be the case), guilt because I sometimes lose my patience with my own wonderful mom who is only here to help, guilt because I find myself raising my voice with Tristin more often than not.... I thought the second time around would be easier but for some reason, either I have forgotten how hard the first time was or the stories of second-time moms are all untrue. If I were to set the record straight from my old novice and naive point of view, this is what I would say: Its JUST as hard. Hard in a different way but, don't be fooled, equally and as frantically challenging!

Alright, enuff about me. I forget that this blog isn't about me. More about the little kiddies (Isabella to start with):

  • Isabella has turned one month! Hooray!!! She's more fussy than Tristin as a baby and tends to cry quite a bit but the few moments she's quiet and content, she's adorable with a capital A.
  • At her 1-month appointment, she's now 8 pounds, 15 ounces (50th percentile) in weight and 21 inches in height (50th percentile). Eating about 4 ounces every 3 hours and like clock-work waking up every 3 hours.
  • She's more alert these days so will stay up for about an hour at a time and sometimes longer later in the day.....often crying and eating in between
  • We try to not let her cry for too long because Ms. Choi tends to turns the color of Barney (purple) when she cries. I can tell she's going to be quite a handful as I have never seen a baby cry as hard and as frantic as she does. The screams are quite piercing and she takes Tristin's redface to the next level. C and I are scared of what's to come...
  • She's also flipped her head from one side to another while on her tumy at 4 weeks. We sometimes lay on her tummy when she's napping or playing (hopefully, no pediatricians are reading this entry..)
  • I have to admit (guilty confessions) that when we can, we try to outsource her to my mom. She's actually become my mom's baby since Chris and I tend to have our hands full with little T.

A little bit more of an update on Tristie (will be short since I talked about him in the last entry)

  • He's our little shortie -- 50th percentile in weight and 10th percentile in height
  • He tends to throw things quite a bit when he loses his temper -- which has now become the basis of our time outs. We've started doing time outs and are hoping he gets it. Sometimes I think he does (since he sits still and doesn't get out of his spot) and other times I don't (the times when I ask him if he understands and he blurts out "mommy, Barney!!"..."Mommy, bear!!!")
  • Loves to do what daddy and mommy does. His favorite thing to do these days is to take mommy or daddy's glasses and wear them. Throws a temper tantrum when we try to take it away
  • LOVES his guitar (but you knew that already). Everytime he watches Barney and Wiggles, he has to have it and he pretends like he's on the show - playing the guitar and singing. He's also into his piano...took him to a little toddler gym one day (took me an hour to find it) and instead of jumping on the bars, he told me he wanted to "play the piano" on the bars (gee..great Tristin. We come all the way to the gym so you can play piano on the bars! what the #$#%!!) :-)
  • LOVES noodles (just like his daddy's pasta passion). Whenever I give him noodles, he enthusiastically squeals "noooonles!!!" and gorges
  • Has to be one of the funniest boys I know -- from his facial expressions, to the funny conversations he has with us....he just cracks us up non-stop!

When I get my act together, I will post some cute videos we have of T dancing, blowing out candles, playing (of which you may have already seen on facebook) but I warn you - it may be a while until I officially get my act together.

Now, for the pics...(need to learn how to do all the fancy things I've seen others do on their blogs)

I love you bella

I'm a rockstar (in my little mermaid sunglasses)

Playing a little tune
Getting naked at my 2-year appointment

I love these glasses, momma

Don't they look good on me?

What did you say mom?

Looking smart

On the swing

With my guitar


I'll play you a little tune..

Bella hanging

What's that you're doing, mommy?

With grandma

hi there

My favorite thing to do


Lying around

Sleeping with my lion


What's that you said, grandma?

Peeking out


Playdate with Riley and Elliot

little elliot

I'm a snore

Eating my noodles


Mommy, there's a turtle over there

Playing in the ship kitchen at the academy of sciences

Still playing

Pretend drinking

I love watching Sting rays

Whatcha looking at?

Wow, what's that?

Do you think the sting rays want some of my fishes?

can i drop some now?

what if i broke this glass?

I love noodles!!

What am I doing here?

So, Tristin, as I was saying, Thomas the train does not really...

I love bella!!

I love holding her!

Watching football with daddy on a lazy Sunday

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