Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bella and Tristie- the first two weeks

We're now into week 3 and so far things have been going well (well, as well as they can go when you have a newborn who wakes up every 2-3 hours and a toddler who has decided to wake up at 5am to complement the newborn awakenings).

About Bella:

  • She started off being a very easy baby - sleeping, eating and pooping. These days, she refuses to sleep right after eating and sometimes wants to linger around staring. We can't tell if she's still hungry or just not ready to sleep as the few times we've thought she was hungry and therefore fed her, she's vomited all the milk back up!
  • She's consuming about 3-4 ounces every feeding (more on the 3 ounces though). Quite a bit for a little 6 pounder
  • Thanks to supplementing (yes, this time I wasn't afraid of formula!), Bella maintained her weight at the first doctor's visit at a whopping 5 pounds 1 ounce (ok, so she lost one ounce). At her second visit (one week later), she was at 5 pounds 13 ounces...very close to 6 pounds.
  • She's slowly fattening up and starting to look more like a baby....can't wait to pile on those rolls!

As for Tristin...

  • He's been fantastic with Bella. Kissing and loving her at every moment. Wanting to hold her, feed her and burp her. I know I need to be careful as his patting is quite rough and often times whenever I am holding Bella, he wants to sit on top of me (which means, on top of her)
  • While Tristin isn't visibly competitive or jealous of Bella, I know he's not a 100% settled with her being around. He's always looking to sit on top of the person who's holding her or when too much attention has been spent on her, I can see his eyes saddening.
  • C and I have been very cognizant about making sure T feels loved and cherished. C's priority is normally T and whenever he's home, T is his man (T loves it). Ever since my maternity leave, I have also tried to make mornings all about Tristin and mommy. Together, we're always hitting the newest and latest parks (we've gone to some amazing ones lately - Julius Kahn and Alta Plaza Park!) and museums. Soon to come = fun classes, playtime at Peekadoodle (a play area) and playdates with mommy's friends (who have kids of similar age). On weekends, we're also trying to do a Tristin-morning whenever we can = leave the baby behind and spend quality time with just T.
  • T has been starting to string words together, e.g., mommy sit, i love you. He's also been repeating quite a bit -- everything from Korean to Spanish. He also knows how to count in Spanish, English and is learning Korean.
  • He still LOVES LOVES LOVES to sing and dance. His new favorite songs: Itsy bitsy spider, The wheels on the bus go round and round, Old McDonald, and all of the Wiggles and Barney favorites. Given his tendency towards music, we are planning to get him a guitar and have gotten him a mini baby wooden Melissa & Doug piano
  • He LOVES the Wiggles and Barney. He's starting to get into Thomas the Train but his passion is still a bit nascent. His first love is still music and the Wiggles/Barney
  • He's still very attached to mommy/daddy. My mom has come from Korea to help out with Isabella and Tristin is still not 100% comfortable with her. Slowly but surely!
  • We're in need of looking at pre-schools as Tristin is soon turning *gulp* the big TWO!
  • In terms of personality, Tristin is very stubborn but at the same time sweet (a walking contradiction). On certain things, he wants wants wants and will throw temper tantrums if he doesn't get (which is often). His wants: to play with water in the sink, bubbles, daddy's razor, Barney/Wiggles all day long, the digital camera, the lap top (so he can go on youtube and watch barney/wiggles and elmo all day long). At the same time, Tristin is a bit fearful of things -- everything from birds to dogs. Even other little kids - he's not as exposed so if a little kid pushes him, he won't push back. He'll look at me and start squealing (yes, I know we need to toughen him up!)

That's all for now. Enjoy the pictures and will be back soon with some more updates and posting! A bientot!

Holding her is so much fun!

Do you think if I bite her, it will hurt?

What if I poked her cheeks, mommy?

...or will you laugh if I told you a funny joke?

Do you gag if I stuck your finger up your throat?

Why is your skin peeling, o little alien?

Here's your big bro giving you a big wet kiss. I love you!

She's so cute mommy!

I love her funny faces

Sleeping bear

She loves sleeping with her hands out

Finally...some rest

One of the few moments I am awake


Out of the cave

Chatting with some buds in the cave

This bench is the perfect size for me!

Thomas the train set

Where's my train?

Staring at the frog

Swish swosh

I caught a fish!

So you see, the water is nice and cool...

Cathing another fish

Here you go, mommy

Don't touch me

Relaxing post Barney

Getting ready for bed

Almost ready!

Mommy's friends at the park

Adorable olivia

Olivia, you're so pretty!

Playing in the sand at Crissy Field

One fine Sunday

Hanging out with daddy

At the fish market

Is that a crab?

To all the little boys and girls out there!


Yummy yummy!

Daddy and me posing with my car


Jean said...

Congrats Sarah and Chris!! Isabella's so cute and looks like Tristin's making the transition to big bro so well!

Eugine Chung said...

I love the pictures of Tristin holding Isabella! I can't wait to meet her and see what it feels like to hold a tiny baby again.