Friday, July 3, 2009

I love my daddy

I know all boys tend to say this but I truly mean it when I say I love my daddy. He's the bestest daddy in the universe of daddies. I can tell he loves me sooo much. Not only because he tells me so and gives me unlimited kissies and hugs but because he makes such an effort to always make me laugh. I mean, you gotta hand it to the man, he will do whatever dance, routine, face contortions, movements, noises it takes to make me smile and in most cases, it doesn't take much. I think my daddy is the funniest guy in the world and I love imitating him.

I also love the fact that my daddy clears his weekend to spend time with me. And he loves to show me the world in so many ways -- teach me new things, take me down slides, play with me at the parks...always looks for new things so I can learn and grow. He's so patient with me, even when I am grouchy. After work, I know the one thing he looks forward to seeing is me (and of course, mommy). But he always tells me that I light up his life and I'm the best thing since German gummi bears (haribo). That's saying a lot.

I know my daddy is waiting for me to grow bigger and stronger so I can one day, play golf/hockey/tennis with him and I can't wait. If I don't say this enough times to you daddy, I love you soo much - you are the bestest ever!! Thank you for being so incredible -- xoxooxxoxo.

Daddy's favorite thing to do is to spend time with me.

Daddy and T looking at the different layers of the rainforest

Wow, look at all the fishies

Daddy, this is CRAZY!

The big and small fishies

See Tristie, that's a sting ray

Wow, look at that, daddy

Daddy holding me so I can see better

So many fishes!

I love my daddy

This tank is ginormous!!


T and his new friend at Auntie E's wedding

Auntie E, these flowers (and you) are beautiful!

Here Ella, have something to eat. I found it on the floor.

Ella (T's cousin) - you are my new best friend. You're such a cutie flower girl!

Wazzup boys

Hanging out at the wedding, yo mama

Let's see who can jump higher!

I'm pooped now. See you next time!

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