Thursday, July 30, 2009

Picnic at Alamo

One of the BEST things we did last weekend was have a spontaneous picnic at Alamo Square Park. It's been ages since we've been there and daddy had the most amazing idea to pick up some fried chicken and hang out at the park for a few hours, playing with Tristin. It was probably the one of the best things we've done in a long time. Its amazing how such little things can bring so much joy but with the sun shining, the sky beaming its beautiful blue and Tristin frolicking around the grass, we couldn't have asked for a better few hours to spend together. It rejuvenated our spirits and made us so incredibly excited and satisfied about last weekend's outings.

As for Tristin, he LOVED it. He was running around the grass (and sometimes a bit hard when he saw a dog) and climbing all over daddy. He would give mommy and daddy hugs and kisses, eat a bit of the fried chicken and go running around again.

These days, T's favorite word is "no". It doesn't matter what you ask him, his first response (unless you insert the word "barney", "elmo", "wiggles" or "pipo") is usually "NO!". And not just anykind of "no". It's a passionate, firm, how-many-times-do-I-have-to-tell-you-my-answer-is-NO! C and I think its the funniest thing and love to ask him random questions just to hear him say yell his passionate "no"s. We're likely, I'm sure, starting a bad habit but we can't help but giggle every time he does it.

As I was saying daddy, today's picnic was awesome!

Daddy, look over there, there is a dog!

Daddy, there's another puppy over there!

In front of the painted ladies with daddy

Mommy, baby bump and me!


I love my juice paks

A kissie for daddy

Climbing over daddy

Running around

It's such a beautiful day!!

Mommy, can we do this every day?

Daddy and T going for a walk..

I love having snacks in the car

Playing the guitar


I can't stop eating it

Its so yummi

Do you think I can stuff the whole thing in my face?

This stuff is amazing

Like my moustache?

Mommy and me

See you again!


Michelle and Richard said...

Tristin is turning into such a little man. Wow, he's huge! He may overtake his dad soon. =)

Eugine Chung said...

Oh.. I miss Tristin! You should come over some time soon. He's so adorable.