Friday, June 26, 2009

Weekends together

These days, I don't feel like I have enough time to pee. T is growing so fast but work is so consuming that if C and I get both days free to play with Tristie (or even one full, stress-free day), we are one happy family. So, for any friends who are reading this blog wondering why I haven't emailed or called back, we're alive - healthy...maybe not totally sane but healthy, yes and T is thriving. He's growing into quite a happy, funny little boy. He's saying more - not stringing sentences yet but definitely picking up more words with every day and becoming a much livelier companion. One who's presence is definitely felt and known and absolutely missed everytime we go to work (C and I can't stop talking excitedly about him).

We have more pics and more to tell but need to cut it short for now -- in the spirit of appeasing my mom and dad who have been harrassing me about not blogging, here it an entry with some pics. Be back soon. xoxo.

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