Saturday, June 6, 2009

Getting back on track...

Mommy still doesn't quite have her act together (as you can see by the delay in the blogging) but she's slowly getting there. It's been a very busy month. Right after we got back from Korea, mommy tried to put me into daycare but I kept getting sick and I did my best to fight it as much as possible (through endless streams of tears and screaming that broke the heart of those who dropped me off and picked me up). So, now we have a new nanny (former au-pair) who hails from Thailand, Atua and I'm daycare free! Yipeee!! Also, I was lucky to have grandma/grandpa Choi as well as uncle S come stay with us for a week for the family golf tournament (daddy says when I turn 2, I'll be able to play!) -- and thanks to them, I went to parks almost every day. And even luckier for me, grandma Choi came in a few weeks earlier to help take care of me while mommy/daddy went to work. She was amazing - fed me home-cooked meals, took me to the park and played patiently with me!

Now that I'm turning 20 months, a few things I'm doing:

*I'm slowly talking more and more but still not stringing sentences together (why talk when you can throw temper tantrums instead?). My favorite words you ask? "uva" (grapes), "car", "ttechi" (Korean baby talk for when you are mad at something - you basically say the word and pretend like you are hitting it), "jiji" (Korean baby talk for 'garbage'/'dirty')., "shoes", "open", "close". I also love to imitate the accidental curse words that come out of mommy's mouth.

*Just when mommy and daddy think that I know the difference between "umma" (mommy) and "ahbbah" (daddy), I like to throw them off my calling mommy "ahbbah" and pointing at random men in magazines and calling them daddy.

*I still love to call auntie S, "elmo" (in Korean, auntie is "eemo" and since I love "elmo" and I also love "eemo" why not just merge them into one?)

*I still love to dance - its my passion. I jiggy with it even when I don't hear music and sometimes even when mommy sings in her non-harmonious voice (she's tone deaf!). And best of all, once I'm all done, i like to bow! (in anticipation for all the applauses!)

*I love giving hugs and kisses to people and I only kiss on lips, in particular when it comes to pretty girls..

*I love playing in the park - its one of my favorite things to do -- sandbox is da bomb, I say! Can't get enough of the sandbox. Take me outta there and watch me throw a major temper tantrum bomb on you!

*I love temper tantrums. I don't do it often but when I do, I make sure there's lots of drama involved--- loud screams, endless streams of tears, my head pounding the floor....i tend to throw my entire body onto the floor and just lie there yelling (as I did today at the mall).

*These days, I refused to sleep through the night. After Seoul and then my grandparents coming into town, mommy and daddy have spoiled me by bringing me into their bed everytime I make a peep (to make sure grandma/grandpa can sleep). What that means now is that I expect it and I'll scream as loudly as possible to make sure I end up snuggling in their arms!

Regardless, I have to say - I'm quite a funny, giggly boy. I love making my parents laugh and laugh they do when they are with me. It's been fun entertaining them (although a bit tiring, at times).

I'm sure mommy will update you more on me -- she's slowly getting there, I swear. In no time, she'll back to blogging on a more regular basis! Toodles....

Still got my round nostrils!

Wanna watch me eat?

Mommy, grandma choi and Uncle S

Uncle S and me - we're having a blast together!

Grandma is the best at taking care of me!

Its a tough job mowing the lawn but someone's gotta do it!

Daddy and me at Stinson beach

Grandma/grandpa Choi and me (we're walking along page street)

Sometimes I like to be a bad boy and put my feet on the dinner table!

Playing with my old toys

Bad boys, bad boys...

The 3 musketeers

Luke and I like to play

...and hug...

This is my daddy!

A big fat kiss

This is still my daddy


Put your arms up if you think you're cute!

Where's my shovel?

Here you go, daddy

I love feeling the sand between my fingers

Watcha looking at?

Getting down to business

Mommy, can you stop taking pics?

I love going to the park!

In front of the painted ladies!

With grandpa Cho in Korea

Mommy, Auntie U and Yumin (my cousin)

I love you, cousin!!

Grandpa, you're so funnny!

With grandma Cho (my mom) and great grandma Choi (C's grandma)

Grandma Cho is so pretty

Look who popped out of the luggage

Giggling in the cab ride home (In Korea)

Peekaboo (this is before we lost his blankie!!)

Don't anyone dare lose my blankie!

My great uncles/aunts!

Grandpa and I having a drink


Grandma and my great aunts!

1 comment:

Jean said...

Tristin's so adorable! Seeing the pictures of him laughing totally makes my day :)