Sunday, August 24, 2008

My first car

Mommie and daddie aren't the only ones driving these days. In California, they say, driving is like walking and Tristie has taken a keen passion for "walking". We got T a new red convertible and since then, he's been driving it all over our Redwood Shores neighborhood - to the park, along the "coast", into the garage. He's even parked it once illegally in a place he isn't supposed to (oh-oh) and another time, properly in a vacant parking space.

Recently, we took his convertible to LA and T fit right in with all the hot cars. Ladies were oohing and aahing at him and some even giggled when he smiled at them.

Driving along the coast

Oops T, you're not supposed to park there!

Pausing for a photo..
Parking in a vacant spot
Back on highway 1

Whoo, driving is tough!

Taking a car break at the park
So nice to hang out at the park!

Playing with the sand
Wow, this feels so funky!

All done with the driving
Still at the park
Hanging out

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