Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm all smiles

Remember in my last entry I mentioned how smiley Tristie has gotten over the last few months? Well, here are a few pictures that serve as testament to his growing collection of smiles - from teethy smiles to half smiles to dimple smiles to pensive smiles to closed-mouth smiles.

Whatever it may be, keep it coming T!! (No captions included in this entry since its all variations of T's smile...enjoy the fast scroll!)


Eugine Chung said...

Awwwww, he's adorable! Can't wait to have him closer to us soon! :)

Michelle and Richard said...

Look at those teeth and those cheeks! He's so cute! I can't wait to meet him come January.

Btw, was that a mega muscle I saw on Mommy's arm? =)