Saturday, August 23, 2008

Go daddy!!

Over the last week, daddy C was M-I-A. For a whole week, daddy went home to Auburn NY to visit his family and to participate in the ever-so-important-and-famous Choi golf invitational (who needs the Masters when you got the Choi invitationals!!). This was the very first time, C has been away from Tristie and from the Bay area since T was born. Needless to say, baby T and mommy missed daddy quite a bit. We were also rooting for daddy to come home w/the winning trophy (in fact, we told daddy the door would be locked if he came back emptyhanded! How do you like that for pressure?). To help energize daddy's competitive juices, we created a sign for daddy but we couldn't get T to hold it long enough to take a picture. Instead he opted for the drum stick....

These days, T has been quite a cheery boy. He's gotten a lot smilier and has developed a happy personality. He likes to grin pretty widely, so much so that his eyes continue to thin out as his dimples deepen. As cute as we think he is, we do recognize he lacks a nose and thanks to mommy, has no bridge (oh well - Sorry T!). His favorite hobbies are to crawl around, play with door stoppers, glasses, cell phones, daddy's blackberry and jump on beds and people's laps (being held). While he can't quite walk, he cruises quite well and crawls much too quickly. These days, he's decided that sleeping through the night is for infants and has been waking up to feed (sounds like another period of sleep training is in store - ugh!). T eats very well -- lots of solids and all kinds - veggies, fruits, meats...whatever we make, he eats.

Mommy, where's daddy??


Daddy, if you don't come back soon, I will have to chase you down with this...

Playing with Haeley

What a cutie!

Hi all, my name is Haeley!

Haeley, look over there!
Isn't that so cool?
Haeley and T playing the piano

Who you gonna call?

Mommy, phone is ringing..
Shall I pick up?

Bared naked boy


Tia Monica turns 26! (T and his tias)
Tia Monica and her sisters

Feliz Cumpleanos Tia!!
Uncle Kyungho and T
Happy birthday Tia Monica!! TQM!!

Tia Monica blowing out her candles!
Tia Monica, Tia Anabela and Tristinito

Mommy, do you need diapers?
Let me hold up the diaper changing table!
I'll go get you diapers..
...after I try on this orange hat (from auntie Rachel)

Ok, here I go grabbing some diapers for you..
...hmmm, which one should I take?
Maybe the whole box?
Do you need some burping cloths, too?
Whew, I'm tired...

Crawling away
..and now climbing the couch..

Daddy, you don't need these glasses

..or this tissue paper either...

Here, let me try and break them for you..

T getting busy after a long nap (like my hair?)

T and his "bed hair"

Ha ha ha

All clean

Getting ready to get up..

Side shot

Chin up, Tristie

What you mean my hair is out of place?

1 comment:

Tara said...

He is getting so big, the baby face is transforming. He totally gets cuter with every post.
Hope daddy enjoyed his trip, Auburn is practically next door to me.