Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hooray for me, I'm 3 (months)!

Exactly a week ago, T turned three months -- Happy birthday, pumpkin! These days it feels like we are constantly celebrating his birthday, mostly because I insist that every month we do a celebration. It sometimes feels like its less for T and more for us as we tend to spend those days eating a hearty dinner and a lot of desserts (in the name of T of course!) as T just stares at us and drools...but I'd like to think that its more because we are such caring & gooooooood parents.

At 3 months, T has grown and changing quite a bit -- a few to note:

  • He's now officially sleeping 8-10 hours consistently. If we put him to bed around 10pm then, he's usually not up until 7am sometimes 8am (after mom and dad leave to work). Of course, I'm sure the minute I publish this, things will change as he likes to keep C and I on our teepie toes.

  • Towards the end of his 2nd month, he was drinking about 30 ounces a day but now, the total # of ounces has gone down to about 25-26 and recently, the number has dipped even lower, primarily because he's been a little under the weather (thanks to mom who got sick first. bad mom.) Hopefully, the decline doesn't continue as mommy does not want to lose those little cute folds.

  • When he's on his tummy, T can now easily lift his head really high and keep it there for long periods of time. It's strange how the development suddenly happened in a matter of a few days. For two and a half months, he hated tummy time and would only want to stay for short periods of time. And then *kaboom*, he can now lift his head really high and hang out on his tummy for a good amount of time - turning his head from side to side (to note --the only difference between the "before" and "after" is his grandma/grandpa so it must have been their experienced training that brought on the magic!)

  • *Drumroll, please*-- T officially rolled over (from his tummy to his back) a few days ago. Of course, no one in the house saw it except Grandma Choi but if you knew Grandma Choi, she ain't a woman who would lie. We partially saw him do it again one evening a few days ago but T kinda cheated as daddy helped him with a nudge or two. But Grandma Choi swears that the rollover was genuine and self-initiated so celebrate we did. Hooray T!!

  • T can also hold his head steady when you hold his hands and pull him up and his legs are strong enough so that you can hold his hands and he'll stand

  • These days, T is smiling even more. I think he's slowly smiling in response to things people do (vs. before). I've heard this is just the beginning and can't wait for more responsive smiles to come!

Ok, so I know I sound like a bragging mom but I promise you I'm only writing all this down so that I can document all the things he did/is doing because as C says -- I have the memory of a peanut. I'm trying to record all this so one day in the future when T asks me some random question about his life, I can avoid giving him that blank face I often give C. Instead, I want to be that supermom that gives him an answer that will blow him away and he'll turn away and think how amazing I am =) .

Oh no, Teddy is falling

Yay! I'm 3 months old!!

Teddy and I are 3 months old!!

The three of us are 3 months old!!

Teddy and T - another month, another birthday

Did you hear that I was 3 months old?

My buddies and I at my birthday party

Whazzup Teddy

Sorry, mommy keeps repeating the same photos

I'm getting bored with these pics. Aren't you, Teddy?

Grandma and grandpa helping me blow out my candles (T, are you yawning or blowing?)

Getting ready to blow my candles

Come'n T, blow...

Getting ready to blow

All done blowing. Wait, who blew my candles?!! Hmfff!!

Grandpa and me juz hang'n

Just the 3 of us

Grandma loves me

Grandma and me hanging (and so is my double chin)

Ha ha...grandpa is soo funny!!

Grandpa and me hanging tough (and again, so is my double chin)

Wait mom, the lighting isn't good for the picture...

...ha ha just kidding (I'm 12 weeks here!!)

Staring at the elephants in my crib

When there's something strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call?!??

1 comment:

Joyful Learner said...

Wow! You were kidding about celebrating! Look at those desserts! And at this rate, T is going to know how to blow out the candles by the time he's 1! You're too cute for celebrating every month of his life. I've documented all of K's milestones too but I'm afraid, my memory already starting to fade..uh oh.

Kudos to T for sleeping through the night so early in the game!