Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tristin's first playdate

Last weekend, I happened to stop by the Burlingame Mother's Club new member tea and at the event, ran into an old friend from Korea, J. It so happened that J. had her baby about a week and a half before I did at the same hospital and lives in San Mateo (only about a 10-15 minute drive from where we are). Excited to have met someone familiar, we decided to get together and do a "playdate".

The name "playdate" is quite misleading when dealing with infants. These dates are more like "mommy dates" rather than playdates since the babies don't do much except eat and sleep and it's the mommies that get together to talk, hang out and spend time together. This playdate was no exception. J. and I spent the entire time catching up, feeding our babies and watching them sleep.

We did try to do the name justice by putting them side by side and getting them to do some infant play (maybe gurgle at each other or spit milk on one another?). Instead, each minded his own business. Adrian spent the entire time looking to his left and staring off while Tristin flipped from one side to another and stretched as though he was the only one lying down. It was quite cute how much they ignored each other and had no idea there was another little person next to them. Despite this, we got some good shots -- see below.

Oh yes, and check out the video clip to see them live! (Yay - mommy figured out how to upload videos!)

Punching buddies

"So, you mean when you cry a bit harder, your mom gives you more breastmilk?"

"So, when I count to three, pretend like you are a really fussy baby.."

"Wow. That stuffed animal is sooo cool!"


Caroline said...

Kudos on the video! Looks awesome :)

Eugine Chung said...

Very cute video. Love the way how the moms nudge the babies..

Can't wait to see him in person!

Susan said...

They look so cute together. I love playdates! I want one too and I don't even have a baby. Will visit next time I'm in the area.