Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tristin's first date

These days, it seems most women around me are pregnant or giving birth. A, a friend who hails from Singapore (where C and I used to live) is one of them and just about a month ago, gave birth to a little baby girl (H). Given that she lived closeby and H is only a few weeks younger than Tristin, we decided to get together and do a little playdate for the little ones (or more for some adult entertainment).

What started off as an innocent playdate turned out to be a real date between the two little babies. Or so we'd like to dramatize through the pictures we took. To be quite honest, both hardly noticed each other, let alone cared (hhmmm, or did they?) but the pictures tell a different story (you can be the judge of what *really* happened).

I also managed to take a short videoclip of H and T together and although both pretended like they weren't interested each other, watch how T holds H hands not once, not twice but three times. Only 7 weeks old and Tristin is already quite the ladies' man!

T, take that!

What? No, you take that! *punch*

I can't believe you hit a girl. You take that! *punch*

Ouch, H, that huuurt! *slap*

That's it, T. No more nice babe. I'm going to beat you up!

Okay, okay, H. I was just kidding. Sorry about that. Give me another chance.

No. Get away from me. I can't believe you hit me.

Ack! H, I'm really sooo sorry. Please don't look away!

Ugh, H. I'm sooo sorry!! I didn't mean to. I feel soo bad!!

Video -- H and T holding hands


Unknown said...

Cute first date! This is just the beginning

Joyful Learner said...

H looks so much like K when she was her age...sigh.