Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy 4 weeks!

Last Friday, Baby T turned 4 weeks! Yipee!! Happy 4 week birthday! (Ok, I know I'm becoming one of those obsessive mommy who wants to celebrate every week and day of his life!)

Week 4 was a turning point for Baby T & myself. Not in a major way but just in the fact that I told myself at week 4, I would feel more relaxed about taking him out and about (not that C. and I didn't beforehand). I would also give myself the option to begin weaning him off breastmilk and increasing his formula intake (which I've decided not to do yet..) It's also the week I started to focus on "me" -- meaning I am allowing myself to exercise and get out of the house to go running/head to the gym/etc. Needless to say, week 4 was the first time in many long, grueling weeks where I felt like I had made enough traction in my long baby marathon run to get a "second wind". I was starting to truly enjoy motherhood.

I no longer fear the sleepless nights. Instead I embrace it as a chance to spend more solo time with Baby T. In fact, in a strange way, even in my state of slumber, I look forward to waking up and seeing him cry. And at week 4, I feel even more in love with my little blob -- even if he has no clue who I am nor likely care that I feed and change his diapers.

Don't get me wrong -- it is not that things are any easier -- I think I'm just more used to my new life and have gotten more accustomed to the routine. I'm now able to embrace the challenges vs. fear them.

Enough about what my mom thinks. Facts about me (Tristin)

  • I hate diaper changes!! I don't know why mommy and daddy make me do it but everytime they change me, I cry! Wuahh!
  • I like to poop and pee -- in fact, the last time daddy changed my diaper (this past weekend), I pooped and peed while he was changing me (daddy had to also change thereafter!)
  • I don't like my pacifier. Mommy keeps giving it to me to shut me up (I think!) but I like to spit it out (he he)
  • I like making a lot of grunting noises when I sleep. Actually, I like making a lot of grunting noises period!
  • If my milk doesn't come when and how I want it (fast let down preferably), I become Mr. Cranky!
"Check out my muscles!"

"Wazzup again"

Hanging onto grandma's finger

Hanging out on mommy and daddy's bed

Daddy and me - do we look alike?

"Don't let go, grandma!"

Bathing like Beckham (like my mohawk?)

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