Wednesday, October 31, 2007

T is for Two (week 2, that is!)

Whatchyou looking at?

So, week 2 has come and gone and much like week 1, it was a continuing challenge for Mommy Choi -- breastfeeding, grappling with lack of sleep and keeping baby T. satisfied and happy. Diaper changing has become much easier (with the circumcision healed and my diaper cleaning routine improved). Also, with week 3 kicking off, I've decided to breastfeed on "demand" in the evenings which means I can sneak in an hour extra of sleep at times when baby T. has had enough to keep him satisified.

Baby T spent most of week 2 doing what infants do best - eat, sleep, pee and poop. Never in my life did I realize how important tracking wet and dirty diapers would be but I guess when all infants can do is cry for all signals of discomfort, its important to (at the very least) diagnose whether they are being fed and hydrated enough. Its also a good indicator of whether they are eating enough (which is hard to diagnose when they are just feeding off of your breast vs. eating out of bottle).

Check out my green socks!

During week 2, we also returned to weigh Baby T. and found out that he had gained close to 2 ounces/day. About a week ago, he was at 4 pounds 14 ounces (he had lost weight from his 5 pounds 2 ounces -- his original weight) and after Saturday's visit, he was at 5 pounds and 13 ounces. Can I get a "yea!!"? I can't tell you how good it felt walking out of the store knowing that I had singlehandedly put close to a pound on Baby T. It was probably the best news I've had in the last two weeks (one of which I need to constantly remind myself when I am down about breastfeeding). We have our one month visit with Dr. Chapman in about two weeks -- hoping we can keep up the momentum! (of course, that means -- pressure on mommy to continue making sure Baby T. is properly breastfed!)

Speaking of breastfeeding, who knew how tough it would be? So many mommies out there do it so easily for months and months and sometimes, even years. Friends have claimed it to be "fun" but I have yet to experience any of that (unless fun = pain). I think what makes it even more challenging is the psychological impact attached to it. When you don't breastfeed or want to quit, you feel like a terrible mom (a failure/loser) and when you do, you are overwhelmed by the pain, the lack of supply (that's me -- despite the fact that people say its a matter of demand and supply!), the loneliness, etc. They say it gets easier over time and am hoping that this is true. These days I feel like all I do is live and breathe breastfeeding. I am either breastfeeding Baby T, pumping and consuming herbal supplements to boost supply, researching breastfeeding challenges, visiting discussion boards, sulking about the pain and/or talking about it with my mom and C. I've officially become breast-obsessed!

Ok. Enough about me, here are some other pictures of Baby T during week 2...Enjoy!

Baby T. in his car sweat -- daddy catching the tail end of his smile

Baby T. doing his infamous "just woke up" stretch

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