Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How many pictures can you take of a sleeping baby?

C. and I are obsessed with taking pictures of baby T. and given that most of the time, he's asleep, most of our pictures are of him sleeping in different positions and locations. Once in a while, we'll try to spice it up with a few of his stuffed animals and different blankies but its always the same pose -- eyes shut and baby fast asleep.

To ensure that he sleeps well, we usually swaddle him like a mummy but instead of using the standard blankets, we've managed to get away with swaddling him in a "Swaddle Me" blanket (its the shortcut swaddle much like the miracle blankets). Its probably not as good as the Miracle Blankets since once in a while, Houdini's hands manage to escape out of the swaddle but for the most part, it works well for us. Especially since its easy for me to use (vs. having to go through the down/up/down/up process) and takes less than 5 seconds to get him tightened up like a mummy.

The other thing we do which most of the doctors and nurses would shudder if they knew is sleep him on his tummy or side. We only sleep him on his tummy when we're around and awake but it seems to help him sleep much better since the lock of his arms beneath his tummy serves as a double swaddle. It also helps his neck muscle development as already at week 2, he's been able to flip his head from one side to another (did it 3 times!)

Stretching while sleeping just before his diaper change

Baby T. (AKA: Houdini)'s hands sneaking out of his swaddle

Fast asleep like a little angel

Sleeping with his pillow stuffed animal

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