Sunday, October 24, 2010

Florence with Family: The first few days

In August, we had the most incredible family vacation.....or just vacation period. C and I were very nervous about taking the two pumpkins across the ocean to Europe and assumed the whole thing would be a disaster. There were parts that were a disaster, no doubt (forgetting to pack ALL of Bella's diapers, explosion of her formula ALL over the luggage, etc.) but for the most part, the trip went as smoothly as possible and all kids + adults had a blast in Florence. Most importantly, we were all able to safely, healthily and happily get together to celebrate my father's 70th birthday.

We all slept well, ate VERY well, drank loads of wine, milk (kiddies) and juice (kiddies) and we did a lot of wonderful bonding. By the end, there were lots of tears, claims of having to do this again every year, no every month (ho ho ho) and big fat hugs and kisses. Most of all, we were grateful that were able to make the time to truly spend together. Although it was busy, it was one of the most relaxing and laid back vacations we've had in a long time and hands down, the best vacation I have ever had. And the kiddies - Ashley, Bella and Tristin all loved it. They were such troopers being dragged onto the sightseeing scene and skipping naptimes, waking up early, going to bed late...

Lots of pictures to come. Will be a series of posts and here's the first.

On the train with grandpa

I love grandpa's back!

The kiddies

At the market

Hanging out

Walking through the Piazza

Tristin got tired so grandpa carried him

I love gelato

Look over there!

Tristin, smiling doesn't mean closing your eyes!!

With Auntie S

I want pizza!!

I love uncle C

First reunion after a year at the airport. Ashley + Tristin

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