Saturday, July 12, 2008

Gymboree time

So, after 9 months of hearing about Gymboree, C and I finally took the plunge. Yes, C and I finally stepped up as parents and took T to his first gymboree class. I have to admit -- our commitment to taking T to weekly Gymboree classes came less from our desire to let T crawl free and socialize with other babies (although that was a strong driver!) but moreso from our realization that T was scared of rolling balls. Yes, every time we would roll balls to him, he would shut his eyes from fear. C and I (but in particular C!) was so alarmed, we bought a bag of balls and spent the next week rolling balls to him when we got home from work. Heaven forbid, little T makes a slow start in playing golf, hockey, soccer and tennis all because of his fear of rolling balls!

Happy to report that T no longer shuts his eyes when we roll balls to him. Instead, he ignores them and crawls the other way. Oh well..

I love crawling!

Daddy, do you love gymboree too?

Tristie playing with a red ball

Stay away from me, red ball!

Into the tunnel

On the boat
waaah! I wanna get off this boat!

Tristie, its ok, it'll be ok!
No, Get me off!!
Ok, I guess its not that bad

Hanging out on the couch
Hee hee hee
Getting up
I hate this boat!
Adrian, let's get outta here..

Daddy and T at Gymboreeee
Daddy holding me
Hanging out in the laundry basket again
Why am I here mommy?
Daddy taking me to the laundryroom

Climbing the ball

Adrian getting ready for b-ball

I wanna get up daddy

Adrian, wanna fight?

Little Eva

Isn't Gymboree fun?

Yea but the singing is a bit lame..but yea, its fun.

Gymboree class

Socializing together

Eva socializing


Walking the path alone..


Daddy, can I get up on this?

Standing! (with help, of course)

Leaning on the wooden ladder

This is so fun!

Aiming high

Adrian and I love gymboree!

Ms. S, do you like Gymboree too? - Adrian

1 comment:

Tara said...

He just gets cuter and cuter as the months go by! Gymboree looks pretty fun, living in the middle of cow country we don't have that option, lol, but I have always been curious.