Thursday, March 27, 2008

Flipping over

News flash -- T is flipping like a madman these days. Just a few weeks ago, I was wondering when T would officially flip (more than once). During the two months C's mom was here, she spent hours trying to get him to practice flipping. Then, boom, one day he learns how to flip and from them on, it's been a non-stop activity. In fact, just tonight, right before he went to bed, he flipped about 8 times. He flips so much, he'll awaken himself in the middle of night and find himself on his back instead of his tummy. And then poor mommy has to rise from her slumber to flip him back onto his tummy. These days, when he's not ready to go to bed, he'll just keep flipping in his crib. Mommy will flip him over, walk out and 5 seconds later, he'll flip back onto his back. He's like a little flipping fish.

Who knew that there was an art to flipping? Yes, believe it or not. And it took T to show me what that is. The art is the following -- you rub your face into the mattress (as you make some "I'm irritated" cries), you lift your butt as high as you can, arching your back as though you are doing a yoga pose, wiggle it around and then drop it to one side. The hope is the force of swaying it as farthest as possible to one side will move the entire body over. And voila, there you have a flip. T has mastered the art of flipping as he can now do it gracefully in a matter of seconds and can do it on both sides. And these days, thanks to the flips, he wakes up every 5-6 hours because he unknowingly flips over in his sleep and can't flip back onto his back. I can't wait until he learns how to flip back onto his tummy....

Oh, and more thing before I sign off. C and my favorite thing to do these days is to play with T when he's naked with only his diapers on. Now that the weather is getting a bit warmer, C and I are thoroughly enjoying playing with him naked (with and without diapers) and witnessing how cute he is when his belly is sticking out and his thunder thighs are jiggying with his a-normous arms. It's T for totally terrific!!

T is for Tristin

Tummy time on mommy's tummy!

I love mommy's tummy

I love daddy's tummy, too!

Mommy and me on a weekend morning

Daddy, I swear I don't know where mommy is...

...oh oops, I guess she's right behind me!

Mommy, what did you say we had to do with the laundry? How do you fold these sheets again?

When not flipping, jump'n

Sticking fingers into my mouth

Hanging out

Leaning back

Ha ha ha ha

Har har har har

With grandma outside

What's that over there?

Can I go on the swings?

Mr. Chubbs

I wanna go play

In the stroller

Blooming spring flowers

Beautiful trees

Mommy, I'm strooong...

Dancing naked with mommy

Mommy, can you focus on the dancing please?

Bare naked me

Getting jiggy with it

Tired of dancing (and getting ready for bathtime)

Totally naked

In the nude

Mommy loves to kiss me

Seepie time


Eugine Chung said...

Great job Tristin! :)

Tara said...

Go Tristin! You've reached the point of no return, he'll be all over the place before you know it, lol.

Terri said...

So why does he need to get flipped back on his tummy? Aren't babies supposed to sleep on their backs??
We still yet have to get a mattress for Vaughn's crib ;-)